Jason Smith

The New Generation

Jason knows the hard work it takes each and every day to make ends meet.

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m incredibly grateful to the people of southern Missouri for giving me the privilege of continuing to fight for them in Washington. Serving as our voice in the United States Congress has – and always will be – my highest honor. As a 7th generation Missourian I take great pride in fighting to preserve the values, beliefs, and ways of life we all hold dear.

Americans rightfully expect Congress to come together and find solutions to reversing the sharpest rise in cost of living in 40 years, to help lower gas prices, and secure our border. I’m ready for the important work which lies ahead to restore our country’s standing, to enact policies which make our economy strong, to make our communities secure, to restore freedom as the central pillar of our country, and to make sure government is held accountable.
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We the people want term limits

Time for Kevin McCarthy and McConnell to go. I don’t believe anything significant can be done as long as they are the leaders. The democrats and their policies are horrible for this country. Republicans need to quit playing defense and go on offense.

I hope you are ready to reach across the aisle. Obstructing legislation makes it impossible to get anything done. I also hope you have solutions and not finger pointing. The whining and pointing fingers is so degrading for you.

Can you please start pushing for term limits and start focusing on getting manufacturing back to where it was pre nafta in the 8th district?

Thank you…. I know how hard that job must be…

Congratulations!! We miss you!!

Thank you, Jason for all you have done and continue to do...from a 9th generation American from Southeast Missouri!

Make us proud, where we won't be sorry

You got our vote!


Glad your there now just return phone calls or e-mails

Congratulations 🎈


Thanks for all the work you have done.


Thank you for serving 🇺🇸

You got my vote

So how did a bill get passed on semi automatic guns in the house

We have been waiting for the last six years for you to work across the aisle....never happened plus you have tried to destroy the values, beliefs, and way of life we hold dear.

Congratulations… I see political gerrymandering worked out well for you AGAIN!!!! I pray you do better than you have in the past. Thank goodness Biden pass the infrastructure bill. Now you will have the money to fix our bridges and roads that you have not been able to fix in all the years you have represented us. 

We need new leadership. It is time for Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to step aside.

So Jason Smith, does this mean we will finally get NEW leadership???

Do you support term limits

Got to get the food prices down milk 6.22 a gallon is crazy

Great. Now start doing something to lower our taxes.

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

Today we turn the page. Today we put an END to the madness. GO VOTE. #REDWAVE ... See MoreSee Less

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Voted. Red all the way.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I’m praying that the large turnout means, “We’ve had enough!!”

Voted red. Let us see some action to make American life's better, instead of working for party work for the American people


Americans want term limits, securing the border, inflation and energy independence. How about working these in while we control House and senate.

Red all the way!!

We voted around 10 and had to wait in by line one gentleman leaving said good turnout the ladies working the table said they had been busy all morning


I can’t vote cause I’m stationed in Washington and can’t figure out how to vote but I sure hope we get red all across

YES!!! We were there at 630 this morning!!!

this didn't age well

Red tsunami. Interesting there was a blood moon lunar eclipse this morning it was a sign

The process used in the electoral college also needs to be applied to state levels. This way the bigger cities like St. Louis and Kansas City don't get to rule the roost in their states. Please pass this along to everyone you know. We need to email and call all of our representatives, congressmen, and senators. We need to corner them when we see them. We need to plaster this all over their social media outlets. Please get the word out.

Well, this post didn't age well 🤣🤣

Voted all red!!!

Best of luck today from the Dements ! 🇺🇸

Congratulations Jason!

We voted red

Voted for you, straight red


But we still have to deal with Biden and Cackler

Our precinct had over 50% turnout!


Doesnt matter if your red or blue, the elections are FIXED. Still using dominion computers. 👎

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m grateful to have the support of Donald Trump Jr! Check out this video to find out what he had to say! ... See MoreSee Less

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Missouri has been under Republican rule for 2 decades and the majority of rural MO voters vote against themselves time after time. It's maddening to watch. Jason Smith is not for the people of this state and I don't remember a time that he ever was.

He got my vote a long time ago

You have my vote!

support the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 (S.5002), to utilize modern advances in science and technology

Why don’t you answer emails? My veteran husband needs hearing aids! You and your staff are worthless when it comes to veteran care.

Lil Donny is a prick

Congrats on your landslide win.


Really, Traitor Donald Trump Jr..........LOL well you're two peas in a pod!!!!


Jason Smith has the support of the sycophantic son of a wannabe dictator who is still trying to dismantle our democracy! Maybe not something to brag about, Congressman Jason Smith

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What's New

Jason Smith for Congress
May 15

Congressman Jason Smith holds China accountable

Farmers across Missouri have suffered during the pandemic shutdown. Rep. Smith followed President Trump’s example in leading his colleagues in the Ways and Means committee to hold China accountable for the agricultural purchase commitments made in the Phase One trade deal.


Jason Smith for Congress
May 12

Southern Missouri congressman emphasizes importance of rural hospitals and telehealth

Rural hospitals have been ground zero for COVID treatment and prevention across America. The same holds true here in Missouri where our local hospitals and local healthcare professionals are on the front lines every day fighting this pandemic.  

At the start of the outbreak, Congressman Smith spoke with 50 of the area’s leading doctors, healthcare workers, and hospital personnel to hear directly what they need to better serve southern Missourians. He shared those ideas directly with the President Trump Administration who enacted several of the recommendations to help make sure folks in Rural America are not overlooked in this time of need. 


Jason Smith for Congress
Apr 04

Jason Smith is Excited to See Missourians Step Up.

During the COVID-19 crisis, Rep. Smith reached out to doctors and medical professionals around rural Missouri to hear their ideas about what he could do to help these front line workers. One of the biggest burdens they mentioned was Medicare’s rules preventing them from doing over the phone consultations with at-risk individuals and seniors, resulting in many of them having to travel far distances to go to their office or hospitals.

Immediately Smith outlined this problem for the Administration and less than 10 days later, President Trump and his team updated the rules governing Medicare to allow doctors in rural areas to conduct phone only consults with patients so that not only could the patients stay safe, but so too could the healthcare professionals acting as our first line of defense during this crisis.


Jason Smith for Congress
Feb 22

Smith is important ally for Trump White House

President Donald Trump may have no better friend in Congress than U.S. Rep. Jason Smith. The 39-year-old congressman who represents Missouri’s Eighth District plays a key legislative role, serving on the seven-member House GOP leadership team as Republican Conference secretary. A member of the Ways and Means Committee, one of the more powerful congressional assignments, Smith said tax reform and trade have been priorities.


Jason Smith for Congress
Dec 19

Congressman Jason Smith: ‘Absolutely no’ on impeachment

The impeachment circus run by the Left is an attempt to undo our electoral process and the will of 63 million Americans who voted for President Trump.  The evidence presented in the House proceedings was a string of assumptions which lacked zero evidence and no merit. This entire coordinated effort to remove President Trump before he even took office is damaging to the integrity of our Republic and is a blatant abuse of power by Speaker Pelosi. Congressman Smith served as a co-chair of Trump for Missouri in 2016 and is again in 2020. He stood with the President in fighting back against this baseless political impeachment effort and continues to expose it for what it is – a partisan attempt to remove a President the Left simply doesn’t like.  


Jason Smith for Congress
Dec 10

Smith asks that presidential candidates recuse themselves

Congressman Smith has been an outspoken opponent of the Left’s impeachment circus. Not only has the process been a complete sham and one sided attack on the President, but it has been loaded with bias and lacks any effort for due process for our President. Smith recently led two dozen Member of the House of Representatives in calling on any U.S. Senator running for President to recuse themselves in the Senate’s impeachment trial. Their participation in the trial would be egregious because of a clear conflict of interest and there is no way they could uphold their constitutional obligation of impartiality. 


Jason Smith for Congress
Dec 07

House Republicans look to block 2020 Democrats from Senate impeachment trial

U.S. Senators also running for President themselves would undoubtedly be prejudiced by their own political ambitions. The entire impeachment farce against President Trump has been fueled by their blind hatred of him, not because any actual crime was committed. The lack of due process and rights for the President has proven what a sham effort this has been. To begin to restore some semblance of fairness, Congressman Smith authored a resolution requiring Senators running against President Trump to recuse themselves from an impeachment trial, it isn’t right or fair they should get to vote to impeach their political opponent.  


Jason Smith for Congress
Nov 14

Rep. Jason Smith: House in ‘Chaos’ as Democrats Focus on Impeachment.

The impeachment of our president is nothing more than the left trying to undo the 2016 election. In basing their case for impeachment on hearsay rather than the high crimes and misdemeanors that our founding fathers intended impeachment proceedings for, Adam Schiff, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and their Socialist followers in the U.S. Congress are trying to undermine the election and wasting valuable time that Congress could be using to get important things done for our country. During Congressman Smith’s time in office, he’s never seen such a circus nor witnessed such unproductive and unfounded chaos. 


Jason Smith for Congress

‘He’s a Phony, He’s a Fake, and He’s a Liar’: Congressional Colleague Sounds Off on Adam Schiff.

The left, led by Adam Schiff, understands they cannot beat President Trump at the ballot box. Instead, the Democrats would rather waste time with a sham impeachment hearing rather than passing a budget or getting anything else substantive done. This administration has done great things for our economy, protected our domestic and foreign interests, and renewed investment in rural America. But the left has held a vote to impeach him four times in three years all because they don’t believe somebody who they don’t like should hold our highest office. Adam Schiff is undercutting the vote of the American people and stalling our government over petty partisan politics. 


Jason Smith for Congress
Oct 24

Mo. Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Help Working College Students.

Students today are graduating with more student loan debt than ever before. As someone still paying off their student loans, Rep. Smith knows this challenge personally. He recently introduced legislation to more than double the financial assistance working students can receive from their employers without encumbering additional taxes. This will allow more students to receive more assistance and ultimately help lessen what they owe upon graduation.  


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