Jason Smith

The New Generation

Jason knows the hard work it takes each and every day to make ends meet.

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m incredibly grateful to the people of southern Missouri for giving me the privilege of continuing to fight for them in Washington. Serving as our voice in the United States Congress has – and always will be – my highest honor. As a 7th generation Missourian I take great pride in fighting to preserve the values, beliefs, and ways of life we all hold dear.

Americans rightfully expect Congress to come together and find solutions to reversing the sharpest rise in cost of living in 40 years, to help lower gas prices, and secure our border. I’m ready for the important work which lies ahead to restore our country’s standing, to enact policies which make our economy strong, to make our communities secure, to restore freedom as the central pillar of our country, and to make sure government is held accountable.
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We the people want term limits

Time for Kevin McCarthy and McConnell to go. I don’t believe anything significant can be done as long as they are the leaders. The democrats and their policies are horrible for this country. Republicans need to quit playing defense and go on offense.

I hope you are ready to reach across the aisle. Obstructing legislation makes it impossible to get anything done. I also hope you have solutions and not finger pointing. The whining and pointing fingers is so degrading for you.

Can you please start pushing for term limits and start focusing on getting manufacturing back to where it was pre nafta in the 8th district?

Thank you…. I know how hard that job must be…

Congratulations!! We miss you!!

Thank you, Jason for all you have done and continue to do...from a 9th generation American from Southeast Missouri!

Make us proud, where we won't be sorry

You got our vote!


Glad your there now just return phone calls or e-mails

Congratulations 🎈


Thanks for all the work you have done.


Thank you for serving 🇺🇸

You got my vote

So how did a bill get passed on semi automatic guns in the house

We have been waiting for the last six years for you to work across the aisle....never happened plus you have tried to destroy the values, beliefs, and way of life we hold dear.

Congratulations… I see political gerrymandering worked out well for you AGAIN!!!! I pray you do better than you have in the past. Thank goodness Biden pass the infrastructure bill. Now you will have the money to fix our bridges and roads that you have not been able to fix in all the years you have represented us. 

We need new leadership. It is time for Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to step aside.

So Jason Smith, does this mean we will finally get NEW leadership???

Do you support term limits

Got to get the food prices down milk 6.22 a gallon is crazy

Great. Now start doing something to lower our taxes.

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

Today we turn the page. Today we put an END to the madness. GO VOTE. #REDWAVE ... See MoreSee Less

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Voted. Red all the way.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I’m praying that the large turnout means, “We’ve had enough!!”

Voted red. Let us see some action to make American life's better, instead of working for party work for the American people


Americans want term limits, securing the border, inflation and energy independence. How about working these in while we control House and senate.

Red all the way!!

We voted around 10 and had to wait in by line one gentleman leaving said good turnout the ladies working the table said they had been busy all morning


I can’t vote cause I’m stationed in Washington and can’t figure out how to vote but I sure hope we get red all across

YES!!! We were there at 630 this morning!!!

this didn't age well

Red tsunami. Interesting there was a blood moon lunar eclipse this morning it was a sign

The process used in the electoral college also needs to be applied to state levels. This way the bigger cities like St. Louis and Kansas City don't get to rule the roost in their states. Please pass this along to everyone you know. We need to email and call all of our representatives, congressmen, and senators. We need to corner them when we see them. We need to plaster this all over their social media outlets. Please get the word out.

Well, this post didn't age well 🤣🤣

Voted all red!!!

Best of luck today from the Dements ! 🇺🇸

Congratulations Jason!

We voted red

Voted for you, straight red


But we still have to deal with Biden and Cackler

Our precinct had over 50% turnout!


Doesnt matter if your red or blue, the elections are FIXED. Still using dominion computers. 👎

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m grateful to have the support of Donald Trump Jr! Check out this video to find out what he had to say! ... See MoreSee Less

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Missouri has been under Republican rule for 2 decades and the majority of rural MO voters vote against themselves time after time. It's maddening to watch. Jason Smith is not for the people of this state and I don't remember a time that he ever was.

He got my vote a long time ago

You have my vote!

support the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 (S.5002), to utilize modern advances in science and technology

Why don’t you answer emails? My veteran husband needs hearing aids! You and your staff are worthless when it comes to veteran care.

Lil Donny is a prick

Congrats on your landslide win.


Really, Traitor Donald Trump Jr..........LOL well you're two peas in a pod!!!!


Jason Smith has the support of the sycophantic son of a wannabe dictator who is still trying to dismantle our democracy! Maybe not something to brag about, Congressman Jason Smith

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What's New

Jason Smith for Congress
Jan 28

Smith Bill Supports Pregnant Mothers, Promotes Choosing Life Through Tax Code

To support pregnant mothers gearing up for the arrival of a child, Jason introduced the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act. This legislation would allow pregnant mothers to be eligible for the Child Tax Credit to save up to an additional $2,000 for a child still in the womb. Giving parents a head start to prepare and save for their children is one of the most important investments we can make in the future of our country. 

Read more about Congressman Smith Supporting Parents and the Unborn.

Jason Smith for Congress
Jan 22

Rep. Jason Smith: ‘Stop the Hemorrhage of Spending’

Less than 9% of Biden’s $2 trillion COVID package went towards crushing the virus. The other 91%? It went towards planting trees in New York, building golf courses in Palm Beach, and sending stimulus checks to Japanese citizens! It’s Biden boondoggles like this that’s led us to where we are now – facing the highest inflation in 40 years. But Biden and the DC Democrats didn’t stop there; they proposed the highest budget in US history and another $5 trillion bill, which if enacted would supercharge inflation and leave our next generation drowning in a sea of red ink. 

Watch Congressman Smith Shed light on this Washington Waste.

Jason Smith for Congress
Jan 03

Congress should not let the IRS play both tax collector and preparer

Quietly tucked into the DC Democrat’s $5 trillion tax-and-spend proposal was a provision to allow the IRS to prepare your tax returns. Giving an institution with a history of targeting conservatives and abusing its authority access to the personal financial information of millions of Americans would be letting the fox in the henhouse. But that’s exactly what Washington Democrats want – a supercharged IRS to give the government control of your wallet. That’s why Jason led the charge to expose this provision, so the American people really know what’s going on with their money. 

Read Rep. Smith’s Op-Ed about the DC Democrats’ Plan to Weaponize the IRS.

Jason Smith for Congress
Dec 17

GOP Senators Torch Build Back Better Agenda

To stop the disastrous spending in Joe Biden’s reckless tax-and-spending package, Congressman Smith teamed up with Senator Lindsay Graham to expose what this agenda really costs. By uncovering the true cost of the BBB from the Congressional Budget Office, Smith and Graham played a key role in determining the harm this spending would cause. In addition to being the largest tax and spending bill in U.S. history, this irresponsible plan calls for five trillion dollars in new spending and adds three trillion to the deficit, not “zero dollars” as Joe Biden claimed. More taxes, spending, and control show that this administration wants to pile on the burden felt by working-class Americans who are already struggling to pay for the Biden inflation crisis. 

Read more on Congressman Smith torching the BBB.

Jason Smith for Congress
Nov 24

Rep. Smith: Biden’s petroleum release not a solution for high gas prices

This administration’s solution to the Biden energy crisis is laughable. Releasing what amounts to 3 days’ supply of oil from our strategic reserve to combat rising gas prices shows Joe Biden and the DC Democrats only wish to portray that he cares about giving Americans relief at the pump. President Trump’s policies led to energy independence and lower gas prices, while under the Green New Deal leadership the Democrats have the U.S. begging for oil from foreign countries and paying over a dollar more per gallon to fill up. Working class families across Missouri are struggling more than ever because of failed fuel policies and this administration couldn’t care less. 

Read about how Congressman Smith is pushing back against Biden’s Gas Crisis.

Jason Smith for Congress
Nov 16

GOP Rep. Jason Smith: Dems Loved the CBO on Trump’s Tax Bill, Now They’re Trying to Discredit It

It’s no secret that DC Democrats must mislead the American people to get away with their socialist spending. That’s why they’re trying to discredit the Congressional Budget Office for telling the American people the truth about what their boondoggle is going to cost. Those same Democrats lauded the CBO as “the gold standard” under President Trump, but now that they’re trying to spend your tax dollars on a package that will cost close to $5 trillion and add $800 billion to our debt in just 5 years. So much for “zero cost.” As Republican Leader of the Budget Committee Congressman Smith will continue to shine a light on their wasteful spending and hypocrisy. 

Watch Congressman Smith shed light on the Democrat’s Double Standard.

Jason Smith for Congress
Oct 22

GOP lawmaker calls for Meghan, Harry to lose royal titles over paid leave push

Hollywood elites like Meghan Markle only try to relate to the working class when it’s politically expedient for their agenda. The global elites and Hollywood liberals continue to push policies and support leaders that want to put American workers and families last. Her latest attempt to use her Royal title to influence American politics and policy comes with an ask to support the multi-trillion-dollar socialist spending bill that would only make things harder for American families trying to get ahead. 

Read more on Congressman Smith standing up to Hollywood Elites

Jason Smith for Congress
Sep 29

GOP Rep. Jason Smith Says Democrats Are Party Of The Wealthy

The liberal elite are only looking out for their own with this new spending package. Tax credits for electric vehicles, provisions for the children of millionaires to go to college for free, and $630 billion in Green New Deal funding show just how out of touch they are with the average American. As the leading voice for fiscal responsibility and the working class, Congressman Smith push back hard against DC Democrats efforts to reward elites for their political support. 

Read about Rep. Smith pushing back against this wasteful spending package.

Jason Smith for Congress
Sep 21

Rep. Jason Smith to Newsmax: US Turning Its Back on Israel

America can’t ever turn our backs on our country’s most important ally, Israel. The radical Democrats who tried to block Iron Dome funding would hang them out to dry. Congressman Smith will continue to stand by Israel’s side. 

Watch Congressman Smith Speak Out against the Squad’s Abandoning Israel.

Jason Smith for Congress
Sep 13

Congress Barrels Toward Debt Ceiling Catastrophe As Dems, GOP Dig In

Working-class families are hurt the most by the spending that Schumer and Pelosi have greenlit. Democrats’ priorities lie in more reckless spending, not fixing the multiple crises brought onto us by Joe Biden that the Democrat House and Senate have enabled. Congressman Smith is the leading voice for Republicans in the House in opposing this spending and having the backs of workers and job creators across America. 

Read about Congressman Smith’s opposition to Democrat’s excessive spending.

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