Category: News

Jason Smith for Congress
May 25

Smith introduces bill to permanently protect American Families

SEMO Times, May 23, 2018

The harder your work, the more the government wants to take…that just isn’t fair. Last Christmas, I worked with President Trump to help author and get signed into law the most significant tax relief for Missouri farmers, small business owners and families in the last 30 years. Key to that was lowering rates on your family, doubling the standard deduction and enhancing the per child tax credit. You should be rewarded for having a family, not punished. Unfortunately Senate Swamp rules, the filibuster, only allowed us to make those changes for the next several years, well now we need to make them permanent. This week I introduced legislation to do just that, to provide certainty to you and your family that the low rates you now know, wont be increased because of arcane Senate procedural rules.


Jason Smith for Congress
May 17

Smith assists Vietnam veteran to get Army to recognize rightfully-earned medals

The Salem News Online, March 27, 2018

Whether it is helping our nation’s service members or veterans navigate through often complex federal health, education or retirement benefits, or making sure they receive the recognition they rightfully deserve – assisting those who have so often put country before self and before their own family is one of my greatest responsibilities and honors as a member of the United States Congress. If you know of an active duty military member or a veteran who needs help with something, with anything, please have them get in touch with me. Dave Pace is a hero, and I am glad to have help play a small part in making sure the rest of the world knows that!


Jason Smith for Congress
Mar 22

Rep. Smith receives honor from Cotton Producers of MO

KFVS, March 21, 2018
Each and every day I fight for a better tomorrow for our southern Missouri farmers. Whether it’s removing federal bureaucrats from your land or reducing the tax burden facing your farm and family, working with the Trump Administration to improve the lives and bottom line of the folks who take care of the rest of the world has been one of my top priorities in Congress. I look forward to continuing to fight for the betterment of our nations agriculture industry! Recently I was honored to be the first lawmaker in five years to receive this award from the Cotton Producers of Missouri.


Jason Smith for Congress
Feb 12

Rep. Jason Smith votes against budget deal that boosts federal spending, debt – SE Missourian, February 10, 2018

Last week, to my disappointment, the United States Congress put its approval on a new spending package which grows the overall size of government, guarantees trillion dollar deficits for the foreseeable future and provides for an unchecked increase to our nation’s debt ceiling. What’s worse, we did so without making an reforms, changes or improvements to how your government spends the resources you provide it with. I recently spoke with the Southeast Missourian about why I opposed this package and agree with President Trump’s comments about the new deal, there was just “much waste in order to get Dem votes..

Click Here to Read Congressman Smith’s Interview with the SE Missourian

Jason Smith for Congress
Jan 22

Ozarks’ Congressman Jason Smith says he will donate shutdown paychecks to charity – KY3, January 20, 2018

When the government shutdown, it was because Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the obstructionist cared more about illegal immigrants rights than they cared about paying our men and women in the military. Missourians are owed better from their federal government. For each day of the shutdown, I will be donating my salary to a charity in Missouri.Simply put, I don’t believe your elected officials should be getting paid for failing to serve you.

Read more and see Congressman Smith’s video about the government shutdown here.

Jason Smith for Congress
Oct 16

Smith meets with Vice President on tax reform; Smith will tour southern Missouri this week (AUDIO) – Missourinet, October 16, 2017

Our federal tax code is a mess. Deductions, loopholes, credits, special interest exemptions and bailouts which benefit few, but cost us all. I believe you deserve to keep more of your hard earned money, not the government.

I am fighting for a fairer, flatter and simpler tax code which would allow 95% of Americans to file their taxes on one simple sheet of paper, giving them more money and time to spend with their family, friends and loved ones. Our tax code hurts American businesses, American workers and our farmers. By reducing our tax rates and making our code less burdensome, we can give millions of American families the pay increase they deserve. CLICK HERE TO HEAR ABOUT CONGRESSMAN SMITH’S RECENT MEETING WITH THE VICE PRESIDENT ON TAX REFORM.

Jason Smith for Congress
Oct 15

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith backs Trump’s health-care changes – Southeast Missourian, October 15, 2017

Earlier this year in the U.S. House of Representatives I helped usher through a repeal and replacement of the disastrous Obamacare healthcare law. That law has led to higher out of pocket expenses for Americans, less choice, and a government rationing of healthcare services.

Almost all of the counties in south central and southeast Missouri have only one choice for coverage under the Obamacare exchanges and some may soon have none. Where is the choice? Where is the competition? All the healthcare law has done is put a government bureaucrat between you and your family’s healthcare decisions. Unfortunately the repeal efforts have stalled in the United States Senate. Recently, the President announced his Administration would end the illegal practice of the Obama Administration which was making unauthorized and unappropriated payments to health insurance providers to get them to stay in the Obamacare exchanges. Congress never approved this money and it was simply being used to bailout insurance providers who are losing money in a failed government takeover of healthcare. I support the President’s actions as well as his work to support legislation I helped co-author to allow small businesses to band together to buy insurance across state lines. READ MORE ABOUT CONGRESSMAN SMITH’S RESPONSE TO THE PRESIDENT’S ACTIONS HERE.

Jason Smith for Congress
Sep 10

Jason Smith stops federal funds for sanctuary cities – Three Rivers Publishing, September 10, 2017

Missourians’ tax dollars should not be going to support liberal policies of coastal cities. Sanctuary cities violate U.S. law and provide a safe harbor and refuge for those illegal immigrants who have ignored and are hiding from our legal system.

Recently I was able to author and pass a proposal in the U.S. House of Representatives supporting the call to action from our President and banning the largest swath of federal support dollars allocated around the country, those for infrastructure investments to Sanctuary Cities. If a municipality can’t honor the laws of the United States of America, then they should no longer receive any support from the federal government. READ MORE HERE ABOUT CONGRESSMAN SMITH’S RECENT EFFORTS TO CUT OFF FUNDS TO SANCTUARY CITIES

Jason Smith for Congress
Feb 09

Smith leads effort to overturn ammunition and tackle ban – The Salem News Online, February 9, 2017

One of the Obama Administrations last directives before leaving office was to issue new rules and regulations banning the use of lead tackle and ammunition on federal lands. I am an ardent defender of your second amendment rights and believe that those who hunt, camp and enjoy our federal lands are the best stewards of that land.

Outraged by this midnight attack on those rights by an outgoing Administration, I authored and led over 50 Members of Congress in an effort and letter to call on the Trump Administration to immediately overturn this directive when taking office. I am pleased to report that one of the first actions taken by Interior Secretary Zinke was to honor this request and on day one of him taking over as Secretary order the department to no longer uphold this directive. YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT CONGRESSMAN SMITH’S EFFORTS TO DEFEND YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS HERE

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m incredibly grateful to the people of southern Missouri for giving me the privilege of continuing to fight for them in Washington. Serving as our voice in the United States Congress has – and always will be – my highest honor. As a 7th generation Missourian I take great pride in fighting to preserve the values, beliefs, and ways of life we all hold dear.

Americans rightfully expect Congress to come together and find solutions to reversing the sharpest rise in cost of living in 40 years, to help lower gas prices, and secure our border. I’m ready for the important work which lies ahead to restore our country’s standing, to enact policies which make our economy strong, to make our communities secure, to restore freedom as the central pillar of our country, and to make sure government is held accountable.
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We the people want term limits

Time for Kevin McCarthy and McConnell to go. I don’t believe anything significant can be done as long as they are the leaders. The democrats and their policies are horrible for this country. Republicans need to quit playing defense and go on offense.

I hope you are ready to reach across the aisle. Obstructing legislation makes it impossible to get anything done. I also hope you have solutions and not finger pointing. The whining and pointing fingers is so degrading for you.

Can you please start pushing for term limits and start focusing on getting manufacturing back to where it was pre nafta in the 8th district?

Thank you…. I know how hard that job must be…

Congratulations!! We miss you!!

Thank you, Jason for all you have done and continue to do...from a 9th generation American from Southeast Missouri!

Make us proud, where we won't be sorry

You got our vote!


Glad your there now just return phone calls or e-mails

Congratulations 🎈


Thanks for all the work you have done.


Thank you for serving 🇺🇸

You got my vote

So how did a bill get passed on semi automatic guns in the house

We have been waiting for the last six years for you to work across the aisle....never happened plus you have tried to destroy the values, beliefs, and way of life we hold dear.

Congratulations… I see political gerrymandering worked out well for you AGAIN!!!! I pray you do better than you have in the past. Thank goodness Biden pass the infrastructure bill. Now you will have the money to fix our bridges and roads that you have not been able to fix in all the years you have represented us. 

We need new leadership. It is time for Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to step aside.

So Jason Smith, does this mean we will finally get NEW leadership???

Do you support term limits

Got to get the food prices down milk 6.22 a gallon is crazy

Great. Now start doing something to lower our taxes.

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

Today we turn the page. Today we put an END to the madness. GO VOTE. #REDWAVE ... See MoreSee Less

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Voted. Red all the way.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I’m praying that the large turnout means, “We’ve had enough!!”

Voted red. Let us see some action to make American life's better, instead of working for party work for the American people


Americans want term limits, securing the border, inflation and energy independence. How about working these in while we control House and senate.

Red all the way!!

We voted around 10 and had to wait in by line one gentleman leaving said good turnout the ladies working the table said they had been busy all morning


I can’t vote cause I’m stationed in Washington and can’t figure out how to vote but I sure hope we get red all across

YES!!! We were there at 630 this morning!!!

this didn't age well

Red tsunami. Interesting there was a blood moon lunar eclipse this morning it was a sign

The process used in the electoral college also needs to be applied to state levels. This way the bigger cities like St. Louis and Kansas City don't get to rule the roost in their states. Please pass this along to everyone you know. We need to email and call all of our representatives, congressmen, and senators. We need to corner them when we see them. We need to plaster this all over their social media outlets. Please get the word out.

Well, this post didn't age well 🤣🤣

Voted all red!!!

Best of luck today from the Dements ! 🇺🇸

Congratulations Jason!

We voted red

Voted for you, straight red


But we still have to deal with Biden and Cackler

Our precinct had over 50% turnout!


Doesnt matter if your red or blue, the elections are FIXED. Still using dominion computers. 👎

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2 years ago
Jason Smith

I’m grateful to have the support of Donald Trump Jr! Check out this video to find out what he had to say! ... See MoreSee Less

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Missouri has been under Republican rule for 2 decades and the majority of rural MO voters vote against themselves time after time. It's maddening to watch. Jason Smith is not for the people of this state and I don't remember a time that he ever was.

He got my vote a long time ago

You have my vote!

support the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 (S.5002), to utilize modern advances in science and technology

Why don’t you answer emails? My veteran husband needs hearing aids! You and your staff are worthless when it comes to veteran care.

Lil Donny is a prick

Congrats on your landslide win.


Really, Traitor Donald Trump Jr..........LOL well you're two peas in a pod!!!!


Jason Smith has the support of the sycophantic son of a wannabe dictator who is still trying to dismantle our democracy! Maybe not something to brag about, Congressman Jason Smith

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